Transforming the permit application process

Easy-to-use, interactive event application tool

The Hague is home to many public events each year: cultural festivals, markets, and more. Citizens or organisations who want to organise events on their own property or in public areas, must submit a request for a permit to host the event. The permit needs to include a map illustrating the event's layout as well as its facilities.

The Municipality of the Hague wished to transform the process for applying for such a permit. Functionality and user-friendliness were the top priorities.

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Easy-to-use, interactive event application tool

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What was delivered

Easy-to-use, interactive event application tool

We delivered change within Municipality of The Hague

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Technology we used

The type of team used

How we delivered

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By using scrum, the event card was delivered in short sprints so that the Municipality of The Hague achieved maximum value in a short time.


Choosing the right approach

Working scrum fit well with the development of the application. Although the method was unknown to many involved, the short sprints quickly made the consequences of choices visible and did not cause any impediments. This allowed the client to keep a grip on the process and progress. Moreover, the approach ensured that we were flexible in the scope. Working this way, we were able to achieve the maximum value in the time we had.

An easy-to-use, interactive application

Worth took on the challenge, and developed an easy-to-use interactive tool enabling event organisers to submit accurate event details, enabling municipal planning authorities to interact efficiently and facilitate organisation.

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The project was completed within the deadline and within budget. Many organizers have already submitted an application via the online tool.

Narin Koendan-Panday

Information manager


Time-saving, safe and fast delivery

Using agile techniques and iterative processes to test and deliver

Utilising a browser-based solution which ensures applicant data security

Saving applicants time and frustration, while providing a clear workflow for municipal authorities

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Where there is ambition, it is worthwhile to have a conversation.

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